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1 reviews

Score 3


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Further rating

  • 40.00%
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Not the interview I was expecting
I had a second interview arranged for yesterday by B****, but found I was being interviewed for an unrelated JD and in a different part of the organisation than I thought I was being interviewed for. I prepared a presentation about financials and payments as requested, and wasn't given the opportunity to present it. Instead, I was asked questions about a specific HR system in a global implementation context that they had a challenge with, followed by IT Architecture questions that I was not at all prepared for as I thought I had applied for a Business Analyst role. I'm sure the people interviewing were as disappointed as I was, I got that from their body language within just 2 minutes from one of them as they turned sideways, as though to look out a window or work on a second screen for the majority of the interview. When I explained I had already had a first interview it came as a surprise, they also clearly hadn't seen my CV or had chosen not to read it. B**** the recruiter is very enthusiastic but whatever he was briefed, it was not included in the scatter of information shared with me, and it was not what interviewers was expecting. I'd give feedback on what sort of information about the IT organisation to share with other candidates put forwards to, but quite frankly I'm not minded to directly help you.