Candidates – Your Questions Answered

To us, the ‘Recruiter’ is your recruitment experience. Your experience could have been with a recruitment agency/consultancy, a headhunter or a search firm. You may have applied to a company directly, in which case the Recruiter would be that company, you may have been dealing with their recruitment or talent team, someone from HR or the actual line manager.

Don’t worry, rating is anonymous. When you leave a review you will be asked to create a unique username, which will prevent anyone learning your identity, just make sure that this doesn’t include your actual name.

There is also the option for you to use your real name though, if you’re super brave and feel comfortable doing that.

We want you to be able to post a review safe in the knowledge that there will be no repercussions on your job search. If, at any time though, you feel as if you are being treated differently by a Recruiter after you’ve posted a review on our site then please contact us in the first instance and we will investigate immediately.

Just share your story. We want to hear it and others will too. Keep it real, keep it clean, and keep it true. This is your experience; it may have been good or bad or something in-between. Describe what happened, what made it good or bad, and don’t forget how it made you feel, and what you think could have been done better. By sharing, you’ll be helping other candidates make their own decisions about who to work with, whether that’s a recruitment company or a hiring company. Remember, your story is valuable to others!

There are a few questions asked before you get to the free text review bit, and they’re very important. These questions are a combination of key information eg whether you were successful or not in your recruitment, and some questions to qualify your actual experience eg: name of recruiter, name of hiring company. These are super quick and should be easy to answer. These answers help us to validate your review and ensure we can trust it before it appears on the site. You will also be asked to certify that your review is genuine. It’s all about our credibility and yours!

We’re all about the recruitment experience, which means that you will need to have had some form of interaction with a Recruiter. This could be an interview process, or it could be a conversation about your CV and suitability for a role. At present, we are not set-up to manage reviews for those who have just submitted CV’s with no further contact. We are extremely interested in this though and want to do something to support those who are having challenging experiences with AI, jobs boards, recruiter adverts asking for CV’s etc. We are in the process of designing what this could look like on the site, so please bear with us, while we shape something wonderful for you and look out for further announcements on it’s launch!

There is a robust validation process that sits behind every review submission. All reviews are read, checked for bad language, discriminatory language and anything that could end up in court. Protection for everyone is our mantra! We also pride ourselves on all our reviews being real. So, there may be certain instances where we want to check the review is genuine and reflects an actual situation. This may mean contacting you, and it could also mean contacting the Recruiter, your name will never be given though.

Our key shout-out are: Don’t make anything up, don’t write a review for someone else, and don’t try and diss a recruiter or company because you’re a competitor – we will find out!

Mainly, anything that’s bad: libellous, defamatory, discriminatory, or just plain rude language. Our aim at RecruiterRater is to provide a place for you to share your experience and highlight the good and the bad aspects of your recruitment journey. We want to improve the candidate experience and ultimately raise the bar in recruitment. This is a balancing act for us though, as we also have responsibilities to our Recruiters. If a reviewer is using words or statements that are likely to cause serious harm to a Company’s brand, then we have a responsibility to investigate. This may result in a review not being published or the reviewer being asked to re-write their review. Be assured that we will always contact you first before we make any big decisions about the review that you’ve provided.

We’re here so you can have a voice, however we are not here to get involved in disputes or to act as moderators.

Your review will be public for all to see. Your privacy and safety is hugely important to us, and this works both ways, the privacy of others needs to be respected and protected too.

Yes, you need this to submit a review, just like most other sites. Other people won’t be able to see your profile though, but you’ll be able to keep a track of your reviews and see how many people found them valuable. Your user account will need to be connected to a valid email address which allows us to contact you if we need to. Your email address will never be shared outside of RecruiterRater.

We hope that you enjoy, respect and value our site, we set it up for you!! If you have any questions or concerns, or just want some more information then please let us know.

Also, if you have any feedback on the site or ideas about what would be useful for you, how things could be easier or look better, then just get in touch. We want this platform to be meaningful, your voice, your story and what’s important to you, is important to us!