“Rater” Rules:

Tell your story honestly

We all understand that not everyone can get the job, but it’s how you were treated on the journey that is important to us.

You have a right to your opinion about your experience

This platform is here to help share that, and make sure your voice is heard.

Be respectful and dignified in your review

We understand if you had a bad experience, but slanderous and libellous comments will not be published. Be professional.

Certify that the review is genuine

We ask that you check this box is ticked, if not your review will not be published.

All reviews will be subject to a robust validation process before publication

We check for bad language, discriminatory language and anything that could end up in court. Protection for everyone is our mantra, so only when the review has been through this process, will it be published.

Be careful of your language

Any comments that disparage any race, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity will not be published. The Human Rights Act 1998; provides for Freedoms of Expression and Protection against discrimination.

Recruiters and employers who subscribe can respond to individual reviews.