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1 reviews

Score 2.8


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Further rating

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I received an LI inquiry from JT of Talent X Factor about a legal role. He clearly sent it as a mass email to many potential LI candidates, which is fine. I spoke with him for about an hour a day later about the role. I spent about an hour updating and tweaking my resume, and provided him other information he requested. So about 2-3 hours of my time. I make it a point not to hound Recruiters more than once a week max to follow up on status, and followed that rule. That was 3 weeks ago. No follow up. No communication. It's always OK if the client isn't interested, better candidates, role is closed, etc. Just communicate. Don't be disrepectful to candidates, like J. The role is posted publicly anyway, so I'll go that route now. I keep a list of those that do when I am employed again, the recruiters to whom I am connected always seem to reach out to drum up business. Rest assured, they won't get any from my company or my open roles. Karma is a bitch.