starbucks background

1 reviews

Score 3.2


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Further rating

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I went through the initial recruiter interview to validate credentials and ensure I was a living/breathing candidate who could carry a conversation. Nothing surprising there. Within a week's time, I had participated in a very engaging and pleasant interview with the hiring director for the position I was a candidate for (mid-senior level role). I got done with the teams video conference on cloud nine. This role would not only be a major career step forward but I was also extremely passionate about the work I could be doing if selected. I had been told the selection process would ideally be concluded within thirty days and next steps would entail interviews with the hiring director's supervisor and potentially another member of the team. The compulsory thank you letter was emailed a few days afterwards. Two weeks went by without a peep and in following up with the recruiter, she told me she had not heard anything either but would follow up with the hiring manager and contact me as soon as she had an updated status. Radio silence ever since. That was five weeks ago. I sent polite notes to both parties expressing continued interest in the role. I followed up one last time today via phone and was sent to a full voicemail box. The hallmark of professionalism! I'm fully aware recruiters can't respond to everyone who submits an application, but if someone held a conversation with a hiring director face to face for over an hour, the organization owes them the basic human decency of closure. Thirty seconds and a few dozen words on a screen is all it takes to preserve your brand recognition regarding future applicants and the recruiter I interacted with couldn't even muster that rudimentary courtesy. It's a shame.