Staff are people not numbers.
The interview process with Anglian water was perfectly constructed with lots of questions and time to listen to the interviewee. I was contacted less than a couple days later and kept in the loop throughout. This was the best part of the time I was there. Unfortunately this company appears to be more concerned with time management (literally by the minuet of sitting down at the desk) than by employee wellbeing. We were held to STRICT time scheduling I.E Limited bathroom breaks, Only one tea break TIMED by the second and a half an hour lunch. We were not able to leave our screens at all throughout the 8-9 hour day when it is very clearly recommended to step away from your screen every 30 minuets. As consequence of being even 1 minuet late, this would mean you have to stay late. They do offer flexi hours for the mornings however if you live far away like me and always got caught in traffic e.g stuck behind a crash, you were simply getting up early and leaving late to make up the time missed (which is not your own fault). The biggest issue at hand is that the process for health and wellbeing. I ended up super unwell getting a UTI due to not having enough bathroom breaks which lead to me getting Septicaemia and Septic shock, Hospitalisation and to this day still suffering because of this. When returning to work I was given a Red warning due to my time off work regardless of my doctors and hospital notes and all the information needed. I was taken to a meeting including HR regarding my absence so I took it further myself and got the union involved. No one should be made to feel bad for getting a genuine sickness that could kill you.